CISO Talk by James Azar
CyberHub Podcast
🚨 Massive Chinese Botnet targets US & Taiwan, Iran Cyber operations to influence Election, Privacy Bill Marked up

🚨 Massive Chinese Botnet targets US & Taiwan, Iran Cyber operations to influence Election, Privacy Bill Marked up

Today’s top cybersecurity news and the latest threats from Practicing CISO James Azar, tune in to hear how practitioner’s breakdown the latest to bolster their cybersecurity programs

In today’s episode of the CyberHub Podcast, host James Azar addresses several pressing geopolitical and cybersecurity threats.

Here are the key takeaways from the episode:

Rising Geopolitical Tensions

Azar highlighted that as the U.S. election approaches, adversaries like China, North Korea, Iran, and Russia are ramping up cyber activities. These nations are using the remaining 45 days before Election Day to intensify their efforts in espionage and information gathering, likely in an attempt to influence outcomes and gather intelligence. Their focus appears to be on swaying public opinion and manipulating outcomes through cyber campaigns, targeting critical infrastructure, military, and government sectors.

Chinese Botnet “Raptor Train & Espionage Warning by FBI Wray

A significant portion of the episode was dedicated to discussing the dismantling of a massive Chinese botnet, “Raptor Train,” comprising hijacked IoT devices. These compromised devices range from modems and routers to IP cameras, with over 200,000 entangled in the network since its inception in 2020. Researchers have attributed the botnet to the Chinese state-sponsored group “Flax Typhoon,” targeting U.S. and Taiwanese entities in sectors like telecommunications, government, and defense.

Researchers uncovered a vast Chinese state-sponsored botnet named “Raptor Train,” comprising hundreds of thousands of hijacked IoT devices. These devices, ranging from home routers to IP cameras, were used to infiltrate sectors like defense, telecommunications, and government in both the U.S. and Taiwan. The botnet has been linked to a Chinese cyber espionage group called “Flax Typhoon,” known for targeting pro-Taiwan organizations.

FBI Director Christopher Wray accused the Chinese company, “Integrity Technology Group,” of running a botnet associated with the espionage group “Flax Typhoon.” This company, listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, has been involved in China’s cyber activities targeting U.S. entities, further showcasing the deep integration between China’s business sector and its intelligence apparatus.

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Supply Chain Attack on Hezbollah by Alleged Israeli Forces

Israel allegedly conducted a sophisticated supply chain attack against Hezbollah by planting explosives in communication devices like pagers and walkie-talkies. These devices were rigged to detonate remotely, targeting Hezbollah fighters during critical moments, such as funerals. The attack highlights the convergence of cyber and physical warfare, where the cyber element involved the remote triggering of devices.

Supply Chain Vulnerabilities:

Azar drew parallels between China’s supply chain exploitation and Israel’s recent alleged attack on Hezbollah’s communications devices. These attacks, involving both physical explosives and cyber manipulation, exemplify the risks of a compromised supply chain. Devices used by Hezbollah fighters, such as pagers and walkie-talkies, were rigged to detonate via remote triggers, underscoring the sophistication and integration of cyber and kinetic warfare.

Iran's Continued Cyber Espionage:

The podcast delved into Iran’s ongoing cyber activities, from influencing elections to ransomware attacks on industries across the U.S. and Middle East. Iranian hackers have targeted both Republican and Democratic campaigns, with the goal of sowing discord and undermining trust in the electoral process. Additionally, Iran is intensifying its cyber operations against rivals like Jordan, Lebanon, and even allies, utilizing proxies like Hezbollah.

Iran continues its aggressive cyber campaigns, targeting political campaigns in the U.S. by hacking and attempting to leak sensitive materials to opposing parties. The goal is to undermine confidence in the electoral process. Iran’s influence operations extend to the Middle East, where it is trying to stage a coup in Jordan and influence Hezbollah in Lebanon, aiming to encircle Israel for a future attack.

North Korean Cyber Threats:

Azar also touched on North Korea’s cyber campaigns targeting critical infrastructure sectors. North Korean hackers have been luring victims with fake job offers, sending malicious emails that deploy backdoors and other malware designed to compromise key systems in industries like energy and defense.

North Korea’s state-backed hackers, tracked as “UNC 2970,” are using job-themed phishing emails to target critical infrastructure sectors in the U.S., UK, and other Western nations. Victims are lured into downloading malware disguised as job descriptions, which deploy backdoors to compromise these sectors.

New Cyber Threats to Contractors:

The podcast concluded with a warning from Huntress Labs regarding a new wave of attacks on foundation accounting software commonly used by contractors in the construction industry. Threat actors are brute-forcing default credentials on internet-exposed MySQL databases, making this a particularly dangerous attack vector for small and medium-sized contractors without dedicated cybersecurity teams.

This new wave of ransomware attacks is targeting contractors in industries like plumbing, HVAC, and concrete. The attackers are exploiting foundation accounting software, which is exposed to the internet. They use brute-force attacks to gain admin access, stealing significant amounts of money from these businesses, which are often small, lack cybersecurity insurance, and are heavily dependent on their MSPs.

GitLab Security Vulnerabilities

GitLab has released critical security updates addressing a vulnerability in the SAML authentication process used for single sign-on (SSO). This vulnerability could allow attackers to bypass authentication, posing a significant risk to organizations using GitLab. IT teams are urged to update their installations to the latest version to mitigate this risk.

Children's Online Privacy and Safety Bill

The U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee is working on landmark legislation aimed at improving children's online safety and privacy. The bill, which has bipartisan support, seeks to hold social media platforms accountable for the harmful content children are exposed to. This move comes in response to increasing concerns about child safety and suicide linked to social media.

Suffolk County Ransomware Attack

Suffolk County, New York, suffered a ransomware attack in 2022 that has cost taxpayers over $25 million in damages. A legislative report blamed the county’s failure to establish an incident response plan and disregard FBI warnings for the breach. The incident highlights the importance of proper cybersecurity planning and leadership, especially in public sector institutions.

Action Item for Cybersecurity and IT Professionals:

  • Given the growing threat landscape, especially from IoT botnets like “Raptor Train,” IT and cybersecurity professionals should immediately audit and secure any IoT devices within their networks.

  • This includes ensuring that firmware is up-to-date, using strong, unique passwords, and limiting device exposure to the public internet. With compromised devices being used as gateways for larger attacks, it’s crucial to bolster defenses in this often-overlooked area.

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CISO Talk by James Azar
CyberHub Podcast
Today’s top cybersecurity news and the latest from Practicing CISO James Azar, tune in to hear how practitioners read, view and work after hearing the latest headlines and how these stories help keep practitioners sharp and ready.